Sunday, December 12, 2010

Workout Update

I got a surprising amount of exercise in, considering the busy-ness that was my schedule this past week.

Sunday: After an overnight shift, I ran out for some good Bikram yoga, took myself out to a beautiful vegan lunch, then went straight back to work.
Bikram = 5 points (2x40mins of weights/resistence, 3x15mins cardio equivalent)
Biking 4km = 1 point
ALL the veggies = 1 point

Monday: I had full day at the office, post a morning work out. Then I took the evening off and it was marvellous.
Pilates = 1 point
ALL the veggies = 1 point

Tuesday: was another full day at the office, and my personal "off" day.
Veggies = 1 point

Wednesday: serious workout day
Bikram = 5 points
Veggies = 1 point
Walking 3km = 3 point
I also had a massage this day. It was an awesome day. That it, until I broke my toe shuffling to bed. The it was less awesome.

Thursday. Oh, Thursday. My toe hurt a lot. I went to the office, and I walked around a little, but I mostly took it easy so I didn't have to cry.
Veggies = 1 point

Friday: was a fun day of visiting, overnight working, and reading. Ohhhh yeah.
Walking 3km = 3 points
Veggies = 1 point
Thousands upon thousands of stairs = 2 points. I think it probably equalled around 2km or so with all the patrols I did.

Saturday: was wolf day, so I spent most of it asleep. Once I felt better, Jim and I went to the movies (Black Swan... so good), then took a stroll around The Bay to see the window displays, then through Nathan Philips Square to see the decorations.
Veggies = 1 point
Walking 1km = 1 point

I know this still isn't really close to the number I'd hoped for, but it seems I was delusional about how much time I actually have when I first made my goals. I'm pretty happy with my bits of progress though.

Feelin' fine!


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