Thursday, November 11, 2010

Challenge Practice: Day 4

Or: Thank goddess tomorrow is rest day.

I did a bikram class today.
Well, for starters I totally ate brussels sprouts for breakfast with couscous and some "minty chocolate" tea made with rice milk. Then I biked to yoga, did the yoga, biked to the coffee shop, drank the coffee and had wonderful conversation, biked to work where I am currently enjoying a decaf soy latte after having soup and veggie loaf for dinner.

How was that for a sentence?

Today's class was FULL of people.

So full in fact that it took me almost an hour to shower, change and get out of there once all was said and done. It's never taken that long before. It wasn't my greatest class, either. I dropped a few poses (or "fell out" of them as they term it). I felt like I was sitting in a few of them - such that I wasn't feeling like I was working as hard as I could. I have reasons for this, but I still feel a bit guilty for doing it.
Yoga Summary:
Postures Improved - are basically the same as written previously. Today I felt especially good in the twist and in camel; no real reason why. Also, I did much better at the Dancer's pose; I only fell out during the last one and right at the end.
Postures Needing Improvment - are also basically the same, but I adding:

The Rabbit. This pose hurts my head. I think I might be doing it wrong. I should probably ask about that.

Today's breakdown:
Biking 6.5km = 2 points
Bikram: 40mins stretch/strength = 2 points
45mins cardio = 3 points
7+ veggies and fruits = 1 point
Total = 8 points.

Beats yesterday.
Rest day tomorrow!! Wish me luck; I may not be able to resist lifting weights or something.


Blogger Unknown said...

Great to share.


10:35 PM  

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