Monday, March 27, 2006


Thus far, I have ripped out and restarted my "scarf" four times. As soon as I started it up again, I tore it out. I couldn't deal with it. I didn't like the pattern. I didn't like the mistakes. I couldn't handle the inconsitencies. I thought to myself, "I'm a better knitter than that. What will people think when they see this?" and got to ripping. On this, the fourth restart, I feel better. The pattern is right. The tension is pretty good. The width is better. I still love the colour. It is, however, still on the backburner for the blanket. I have one and a half balls to go. I may have to purchase a seventh ball, but I'm going to wait until I've nearly finished number six before making that decision.

Today, I'm listening to my new neighbour's bad music through the floor (must...sound...proof...), contemplating suicide over it, just finished eating faux boeuf stroganoff and drinking a vegan protein shake. I recently got over a horrible stomach virus and have only in the last few days been able to have real good solid food. I also just as recently had my braces tightened and only in the last day or so been able to chew said real good solid food. This shake, however, is a blend of pureed hemp seeds (which turned into a paste), banana (which contributed a horrible greeny colour and frothy sheen to the paste), frozen strawberries and raspberries (to make it pink and therefore more palatable), and leftover orangina to make it less sorbet-like and more liquid-like. I'm pretty happy with the resulting flava. It almost makes the hip-hop bearable.


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