Saturday, March 18, 2006

I am Remiss

I realized this morning that it has been a while since my last post concerning my knitting projects, and that I had promised infrequent updates concerning their progress.

Is this infrequent enough?

About 3/4 of the way through my orange Alpaca/Marino wool for a new self scarf, I started to really hate it. The knit/purl pattern is awesome, but there's something about the wool that was starting to get to me. It gets a little fuzzy. Yes, I know most wool gets a little fuzzy, but I was menstruating and that always makes little things really irritate me. It took a LOT of convincing from a LOT of the kids I work with that ripping it out and starting over is NOT a good idea. We just need a break from each other. I need to see other wools; other projects.

A woman I work with taught me how to put a string through my stitches so as not to lose them but still be able to remove the scarf from the needles and start my new project: the blanket.
I had to cast it on three separate times. The woman who sold me the wool told me fifty stitches. This woman would have me make a dishcloth for all it turned out to be. I went up to a hundred: still not enough. One hundred fifty proved the magic number of stitches.

Needless to say, the first row (purled, no less) nearly killed me. (Anyone who knits will tell you it's the first row that's the hardest. I guess it does that to weed out the less dedicated or something.) After purling the first five whole rows, I started with a pattern: purl five, knit knit knit, then purl the last five to give you an edge.
Currently, three and a half balls in, it looks fabulous. Six balls may actually do it. I'm more than excited. However, the project is becoming quite cumbersome to carry around, and my boyfriend (whom I recently taught to knit, and it quite good!) just bought me this ADORABLE tiny little purse, perfectly sized for the new double ended needles on which I had placed my put-aside scarf...

Yesterday I picked up that scarf, stuffed it gently into my new purse and went to town on the streetcar headed to work. I didn't realize until then just how much I missed it. The magic is back. It doesn't even mind that I'm still seeing the blanket, and am currently planning a date with the new bright turquoise wool I bought a few weeks ago to make socks with. My scarf loves me unconditionally. I'm buying some more of the Alpaca/Marino today to make it longer.

In other news, the long black acrylic scarf I wear constantly is a pervert. It wraps itself inappropriately around my legs when I'm walking, crawls up into my crotch, does the "hungry butt" thing... and whenever I'm walking beside someone (girls only, mind), it touches them and wraps itself around their bodies in a most unseemly way. The scarf I made for Jessie's baby of the same wool recently tried to kill him. What have I unleashed into the world? What will I unleash next?
dun dun DUN!


Blogger Hunnybee said...

Yeah Em but you need to remember that the Bug helped the scarf in its attempt to kill.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Em said...

That's true, but I think the yarn told him to do it. It's evil.

11:54 AM  

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