Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Muskoka Adventures Day 1

This weekend saw another fabulous trip to Muskoka lake to visit the wonderful Mr and Mrs Adams. Their hospitality is always overwhelming; Mom made a full turkey dinner complete with cranberry sauce, stuffing, and all the trimmings which left me wishing, just a little, that I eat meat. However, the aforementioned trimmings were such that I didn't miss it too much and was more than satisfied.
As before, we guests stayed in the Treehouse (currently available for rent if anyone is interested... I'm not sure what the rates are, but you may find out by clicking the link to "My Great White North" and asking... that's Mrs. Adams!). After a comfy Friday night sleep, we were good to go Saturday morning.

Graham and I made a breakfast of scrambled eggs, veggie sausage, toast, coffee and orange juice. Once digested, Lisa and I ventured into the Great Unknown, leaving the boys at the table to play... something geeky, I'm not sure what it was.

Lisa and I wandered up every possible rocky hill,

frolicked in the trees,

hopped over rivulets flowing under tree roots,

collected intact acorns and romped like we were five years old.

We discovered a great many uprooted trees, one whose roots were more than 6' in diameter. (The tree itself was maybe 1' in diameter).

We adventured for about two hours, returning home happy and hungry, and just in time for the rain to start!

Since we couldn't play outside without getting soaked, we hopped in the car and ventured into Gravenhurst for a little lunch at a greasy-spoon (the grilled cheese virtually dripped butter... it was awesome). We found an independent bookstore across the street, in which we discovered MAGIC TOMES! These are handcrafted leather-bound journals filled with recycled cotton paper. Plus, it's refillable. Jim treated himself to the largest size; the rest of us have vowed that we shall invest once we have used up a few of the already too many journals we currently own (I have five on the go as we speak).
Off to Giant Tiger! Anyone who has not been to one of these really needs to go. It's like a discount Zellers. It's out of control. Last year I didn't enjoy it as much because it housed a peculiar and unpleasant smell. This year, things were much nicer and I didn't have to run outside at the end of 30mins to avoid an unfortunate situation. In fact, I even bought a few mislabeled items! Lisa managed to find some new hoodies, Graham procured some t-shirts, and Jim bought a fishing rod.
This was turkey-dinner evening, so obviously everyone spent a happy evening with delicious food. We played euchre until midnight, then all hit the sack as suddenly we all realized what circadian rhythms are supposed to be like. As Lisa and I stepped outside to return to the treehouse, we were smacked in the face by a sky full of stars and had to pause and gaze in awe at these things we don't get much of in the city.


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