Saturday, April 18, 2009


My kitty is ill.
When Jim and I moved nearly three weeks ago, we noticed bright red blood in the bathtub. I initially panicked and started looking for sources. Both cats enjoy spending time in the empty tub, drinking water from the slightly drippy tap or rolling in the condensation leftover from previous showers. Upon closer investigation I found a stick-pin near the drain of the tub. I assumed someone had stepped on it, bled initially, then quickly got better being as there was only one slightly bloody paw print on the side of the tub, and a half print on the floor. Later that same day, it happened again, but this time there was a small amount of bright yellow urine around it. I wondered briefly, but assumed the injury had reopened slightly when Kumari hopped into the tub to pee (as she is the only one who pees outside the box EVER). We had narrowed down the source. Same day, but somewhat later, I discovered bloody urine on the litter mat. Consequently, I freaked out. I called the vet and made an appointment for the next morning.
I brought her in, met the vet, explained the situation. He was extremely unconcerned about it, insisting that it was probably "stress cystitis," but he would keep her for the day to get a urine sample, then call me in the morning with the test results. I told him that I study and practice homeopathic medicine and would prefer to treat her homeopathically. He gave me a disgusted and slightly horrified look and said, "I don't know what that is, I don't know what that means, I don't know what you're going to give her, you can't do that." Thus when he called the next evening (yup, evening, not morning) and told me she had "slightly elevated WBC in the urine and a few crystals" I felt compelled and obligated to fork over the money for a fourteen day course of antibiotics.
She hated the pills. I hated the pills. She had diarrhea for days and continued to pee blood with at least every alternate visit to the mat or tub (she no longer pees in the box, but continues to crap there thank god). Her two week course was up two days ago and she still pees blood (no more diarrhea though. That was ALL antibiotic). I've given her a few homeopathic remedies, one of which seems to maybe be working, as the amount of blood has decreased since yesterday (when I started her on Cantharis 12c). However, she has spent most of yesterday and today in the bedroom closet. She is generally a very social cuddly cat who loves company, her cat tree and her sister, Sophie.
I hope that her recent reticence is because she is healing, but I cannot but worry. Jim called the vet earlier today, but is waiting for a response from the doctor. Her ears and feet are of average temperature, so she has no fever and doesn't seem to be fighting an infection (unless she's doing this by hiding?).
I'm unbelievably glad that I got called off from work tonight. I need to go home and snuggle her until she's well.


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