Monday, July 13, 2009

Falling back with no fear

I have been practicing Bikram yoga near-daily for the past two and a half weeks, and already I can see a major difference in myself in all aspects.

Bikram yoga is a highly specific type of yoga practiced in a hot room (37-42 degrees C). It is comprised of 26 postures and two breathing exercises, fashioned to work every single inch of your body inside and out. Each posture corresponds to various muscles, tissues, and even internal organs to stimulate, ring out, and detoxify each of these targets. The room is hot to allow the blood vessels to be as open as is safe, and to promote sweating to eliminate unnecessary accumulations through the skin.

My first Bikram experience came quite a few years ago, but I had neither the time nor resources to fully commit to it. I've been in and out of it since then, but mostly out. Recently, with school being finished and work having not yet started (until last week), I found I had time to do the "intro week" at the studio I am currently infatuated with. Going daily was difficult, but also wildly fun. For the second week, I recruited some friends to keep myself motivated. So far I've only missed two Sundays (as days of rest, but also days of rehearsal) and one Saturday because I was working. Today I went after two days of being off and definitely felt the difference.

After my third class (two weeks ago) I felt very different. My waist felt smaller, my butt felt tighter, my brain felt more relaxed, and I felt more spiritually connected to everything. This continued up until about this Sunday. Last Sunday I had a great rehearsal with my partner (mentioned in previous postings). This Sunday, after spending 32hrs at work and sleeping for only about 5hrs, working with children who are lost, lonely, scared, homesick, and pushing themselves so very hard, I was exhausted. I was terrible. So terrible in fact that my partner ended up with some injuries (shoulder muscle and a fat lip when I accidently elbowed him in the face... gracefully). I felt heavy, lost, scared, lonely, and sad. Twice I had to excuse myself to cry (seriously, I never used to cry this much; ask anyone).

I think the yoga is opening up a lot of things mentally, emotionally, and physically. Spending time away from it is necessary for healing, but it appears that two days is too exhausting. I went this morning and felt very different than I did on Friday (although I had been working through a sartorius injury for both classes). I got through it and felt good by the end. I will be better tomorrow.

Toward the start of each class there is a backbend. It is challenging not because one must have a strong core to protect the back, but because the feeling of falling backward is so uncomfortable. I have a rather flexible spine and great capacity for back bending, but the notion of falling on my head scares me and so I resist. One instuctor always prefaces this back bend with "looking back; no fear; begin bending."

Here I am, looking back, falling back, reaching back, with no fear.


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