Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The View from Here

From the balcony I see...
Yesterday I got in touch with the pottery dude, who agreed to take comissions from friends and family members to create a dining set for me. He is a delightfully laid-back, soft spoken artisan of few words. He's going to send me price listings sometime today or tomorrow. He asked about my colour choices, to which I replied that I love all colours and will allow the commissioners to decide what they think is appropriate. From the price list/piece description I will put together what I think constitutes a resonable "place setting" and go from there. I'm super excited.

These past few weeks, alongside baking and cooking more, I've also been sleeping a LOT. Long ago in the land of full-time university I would feel guilty for having naps, for not staying up all night cramming or writing papers (which isn't to say that I didn't do these things; I just felt guilty when I slept). Normally I have a hard time waking in bad weather. Who is motivated to get out of a warm cozy bed when it's snowing and blowing and freezing and awful? However, usually by the time June rolls around I'm getting up at 7am (sometimes 8) and lasting happily all day like a sunflower. It's almost like my sleep-debt is being called in. If I have the opportunity, I sleep til 10, but I still go to bed between 12-1. Often I'll even nap around 2-3pm (in a sunbeam with a kitty; who can resist?). What I cannot seem to figure out is WHY this is happening. What is the reason behind all this sleepiness? I'm not sick (at least I dont' think so), I shouldn't be terribly stressed out (besides wedding planning and a silly job and some financial messiness I'm pretty good), I should be recovered from all the exam stress by now... why am I still so sleepy?

In order to motivate myself somewhat, I took a good long look at what I have, what I see every day and take enjoyment in.
These are some of my plants. There's the foliage of what used to be orange gerbera daisies, orange-mint, thyme, and two giant basil plants in two giant pots because I heard basil likes to be roomy. And these are beautiful basils if there ever was beautiful basil.
Check him out, in all his magesty.
This is my butterfly bush, which will bloom apparently some time in July (when I'll be at my busiest, but that's okay). I don't know what colour the flowers will be, but I don't think it matters. The purpose of the bush is to attract butterflies (duh). It's perennial so I won't have to replant it every year, either. This fills me with glee.
This is... an ikea plant? I bought it a few weeks ago at Ikea for 1.99 and it was labelled as "Mixed Tropical." The dots on it range from happy yellow, to orange, to a delightful almost fuschia. Any ideas of what its actual genus might be would be appreciated. However, even having no idea how to take care of it, it seems to be doing well.
This is ZsaZsa. I have named her so for two reasons:
1. She is actually an offshoot of a spider plant once owned by ZsaZsa Gabor. This is probably a great-grandbaby of the original plant.
2. She's a raging drama queen of a plant. If I don't water her at a particular time, her ends start to brown. If I don't feed her coffee grinds every week, she starts to wilt, just a little. If she isn't given exactly proper sunlight, she throws a planty fit. Spider plants are supposed to be easy; not this one. Oddly, she doesn't seem to mind too much when the cats nibble on her.
This is my neighbour's balcony, or what little of it I can see. Note the poofy flowers and fake butterfly. I like her a lot.
This is the view from the office. On breezy days the leaves on this tree lull me into that sleep I ranted about earlier.
This is the view inside the office: Jim in his jammies, working. Sometimes there's even a kitty on his lap.
It appears we live a charm'ed life. I certainly don't want to sleep through it all.


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