Monday, May 29, 2006


When I woke this morning to the news that the TTC was holding an illegal strike, my immediate thought was: Good. It's all over their safety, anyway, and I think they deserve the safety they want and probably require. It must really suck to get spit on for asking people to pay the price you don't set yourself. Someone has a problem so he takes it out on you, when really he should be calling the head office and spitting into his cell phone. I support them whole-heartedly.
My second thought was: I'm really glad I have a bike. I rather like the TTC for those days when I have an injury, or I'm wretchedly tired, or it's raining torrents, but otherwise, I can live without it, and can in fact go faster.
My third thought was: All those poor souls who rely on it. They're NOT going to be happy. And who can blame them? I hope they understand why it's happening, and maybe the guy who wants to spit or hit next time will think twice about his actions.
My final thought was: Oh, no. There are gonna be a LOT of cars on the road today. And there were. It was insane. I thankfully didn't encounter any kind of problem, but my god, the smog. And there was already a smog warning.
Maybe some good will come of this. Already it's becoming apparent just how reliant on public transit we are. Perhaps they will get the safety measures they so deserve.
Smog covering can have silver streaks.


Blogger Icon Serpentine said...

Yeah, I was one of those people today. Thankfully I can work from home. And it turned out for the better -- my boss and I liked the arrangement enough that I'll be working from home most days of the week and only going in on Mondays or when necessary! :D

Glad you were okay biking today. Did you think about the smog and your slight asthma thinger? Well at least you're fine. :p

3:57 PM  
Blogger dichotoMe said...

Well, I'm gonna be the asshole and play the devil's advocate here...

Sure, I'm all for workers' solidarity. I absolutely think that TTC drivers should get the safety measures they're requesting.

HOWEVER, you've neglected to mention all the employees who were on strike because they were being moved to the night shift.

Perhaps somebody can explain it to me so it does make sense, but I just can't see any good reason to ILLEGALLY STRIKE over the fact that you have to work at night rather than during the day. (At least you get to work! Not the like the rest of us poor slobs who lost a day's pay over it.)

Not before you've exhausted the proper channels.

Not before you've even been to the bargaining table.

That's simply not acceptable.

9:32 AM  

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