Sunday, January 03, 2010

Making Art

Sort of.

I've decided to make a vision board. This is something that had been proposed over on the great blog "Crazy Sexy Life" (see sidebar). It can be bascially anything you want, of anything you want, on anything you want, about anything you want. Its purpose is to assist you in manifesting your desires.

I've decided to use my refrigerator door, pictures, magnets, and all assistance offered by the universe and its cohorts. I'm calling it a three year manifestation plan. I've found images of lots of places I want to travel to, goals I have for myself physically and mentally, inspirations, inticements. I've made them attainable. I haven't asked "how" only "what." And I've already decided that if I don't get everything on the list it's not that big of a deal. I can add and subtract, multiply, re-evaluate, rage, laugh, and change my mind about anything at any time.

I'm pretty excited about this. I encourage everyone and anyone to make zer own too.

Here are a few samples of my goals. Can you guess what they are?

Peace and peas.


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