Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Only Mildly Insane

I really don't mean to be a neglectful blogpolitain. Unfortunately, my "real" life is very demanding lately, leaving but few moments to take care of myself, let alone be a good netizen. However, having all day yesterday devoted to making my home clean and less cluttered has allowed a portion of today to be spent on the good old interweb doing things I probably should have done ages ago (such as changing my address for the CRA and paying my visa bill). To boot, my internet was completely borked until yesterday afternoon, further hidering my network duties. However, I shall dispense with the excuses and get on with business.
First and foremost, I Am Still Alive. If only barely. I looked over my work/work/rehearsal/training schedule and have discovered two things:
1. I am extremely busy
2. I still am not making quite enough money.
These two factors lead to one ultimate conclusion:
I am tired. All The Time. I have coffee pouring through my veins. Seriously. I swear to you my blood is darker than it used to be, and I always have the faint aroma of being good to the last drop. And believe me, dropping is something I have begun to do more and more frequently.
Living alone is thus far excellent. It's always quiet around here, it's only messy when I say it is, and it always always ALWAYS smells good. Nearly everything I own is out of its temporary box residence and onto some kind of storage/shelf space. This process, which is thankfull neraly over, has nearly been my death. I've noticed in the course of unpacking things that I am not what may be considered by many a "logical" packer. If it fit, I stuffed it in. Stuff didn't always end up in a box with like items. It took me almost this whole month to finally locate my water oracle; it was in a box with a tacky unicorn knick-knack and ugly pillows. Yesterday I spent a solid half day looking for two VHS tapes and a borrowed DVD, completely convinced I had lost or forgotten them. When I called the lender to tell her the sad news, she informed me that not only had I returned her DVD, but I had also lent her the missing tapes. Currently, I'm tearing out my hair after organizing my desk only to discover that I can't find my USB cable for my MP3 player which I SWEAR TO THE GODS I had in my hand yesterday. I'm sure I put it somewhere "logical," wherever that is.
This is what moving does to me.
Work this quarter is fun. I have good groups of kids, and only a few minor inconveniences in terms of my schedule and the city taking some liberties. I'm putting them in their places on Wednesday for said liberties. I have fewer hours this term, but I'm making up for it by having a second job in a restaurant. The difference between this restaurant and the last restaurant I worked is this one is actually GOOD. The food, the kitchen, the staff, the management, the concept: all much better. Despite the incedent previously mentioned (which has been taken care of), I'm enjoying the work and making decent money to boot.
Rehearsals are going well. It turns out I'm actually a Good Dancer and I Am Capable of Learning Quickly. Although I'm still pretty new at it, I feel good about it. I'm taking a crash course in bellydancing, consequently putting some classic jazz training on hold. I'm focusing on BD since it is the largest component of the show and my technique is novice. Jazz will still be there for me when we have time to see each other again. I'm sure she understands. The women I am dancing with are superb. They are all professional dancers of greater or lesser repute, but all fabulous at what they do. The best part is that each is magical in her own way. I have yet to meet the men of the troupe, but the ladies all seem to adore them so I'm sure they're just as lovely. And even if they aren't, I am largely expected to ignore them, since my character prefers the company of women. In fact, I am in love with a beautiful, talented girl (oh horrors!). Right now we're learning the choreography from the abridged show that was put on in November with the expectation that we will perform two pieces for Iranian new year. I'm starting to get excited about it.
That's what's going on around here. I'm looking into taking some correspondence courses in herbalism, but probably not until I have time to breathe (and money to afford the postage).
I hope everyone may be as happy as I am.


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