Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day trip to the countryside! We took a 30min train ride and saw a LOT of the country between Paris and Versailles. We were meant to get off at "Versailles Rive Gauche"; I saw the letter V and "rive gauche" and pulled Jim off the train.Turns out, I was incorrect.
Luckily, the next train came by in 18mins. So I took some Kerouac-ian photos to fill in the gaps.
Once we got off at the correct stop (which is actually the end of this particular line), we followed the crowd of people (and the signs) to this:
Jim suddenly got all touristy and started snapping photos like a madman.

Yup, ALL the glories. They didn't want to leave anyone out.
Inside the palace chapel:
The Hall of Mirrors:
A surprisingly quiet staircase:
The outdoor amphitheatre:
The Gardens:
We spent the extra to be allowed access to the palace, gardens, and the private estates of Marie Antoinette, who is locally infamous and has become an international intruigue. Here is her kitchen. I love kitchens.
Kitchens are the centre of my life. It is in the centre of my parents' home, my first job was in a kitchen, my favourite apartment had a giant kitchen, and the subsequent home was basically a giant kitchen with a bedroom. It was all stunning.
The estates are like a small dwarfen countryside like one imagines in fairytales - a well, a windmill, cows, sheeps, horses, kitties, gardens still bearing vegetables (peppers, tomatoes, rhubarb). Besides the hamlet, there were wineries, more gardens and a full on farm.
The hamlet:
The Windmill:
The Farmhouse:

The other side of the windmill:
The Farm:

This mysterious door lead to an underground escape hatch from the house.
There were more. I assume this was to avoid possible village riots and mobs with torches and pitchforks.

As in true of most my adventures, there were rocky areas with trees and moss.There were wild blueberries growing along the grounds and I wanted to eat them.
We had dinner at Cafe le Bistro where they will have live jazz on Friday. Our favourite patisserie was closed so we enjoyed some chocolate from the previous day and fell into bed exhausted from a full day of walking Palace grounds.


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